Help: Year Range
To find a knife in the database, the Blade Master suggests you use a combination of the year and model number.


  1. Typing 1974_(blank)will find all the knives starting in 1974
  2. Typing 1974_1974 will find only knives made in 1974
  3. Typing (blank)_1974 will find all the knives before the year 1975

This becomes very powerful when combined with the model number:
  1. Typing 1997_(blank) in the year range and then 6254 in the model number will display all the bone handled trappers (currently in the database)made after 1996.
  2. Similarly 1989_1989 in the year range and 3254 in the model number will display the yellow composition handled trappers made only in the year 1989.

Continue this tutorial if you need to know how to determine the year of a Case knife.

Dating Case Knives

After 1970 every Case knife can be associated with an individual year.

Before 1970, knives are associated with an era. To find a particular knife, the collector may frequently search for a model number and the year, so the collector must be able to identify which year or era the knife was made in order to search quickly. Clicking the left column in the table will tell you more about that era or year span.

Finding a Tang Stamp Era or Year

Tang Stamp Says Era Start Date for Searching
Case Brothers and Company Gowanda NY 1896
Case Brothers Little Valley NY 1900
W. R. Case & Son (with various cities) 1902
Case & Sons Bradford 1904
W. R. Case & Sons (with various details) 1905
Case Brothers Springville NY 1912
Case Bradford PA 1915
Case Tested XX 1920
CASE XX 1940
Case XX USA 1965
Germany (No tang dates) 1989
Case XX Select Series (Undated Modern Knives) 1995
Case Brothers (Undated Modern Knives) 2000
THE YEARS-Stamps with dots and / or X's
The 1970 Years Search with the year
The 1980 Years Search with the year
The 1990 Years Search with the year
The 2000 Years Search with the year
The 2010 Years Search with the year